Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Beginning

My name is Heidee.
Starting roughly now, I am entering a year of change, growth, and recession.

But, before I get into all that here's a little background:
 I grew up as the youngest of four in an upper-middle class, American family. Needless to say, I didn't want for much. When the time for college came around, I didn't put much thought into where I wanted to go or what I wanted to study, but I wanted an education (mostly because my parents insisted, partially because I was curious), so I applied for the most convenient public university.
 I didn't like it, so I transferred to the next most convenient university..... Long story short I did the college thing all wrong. Convenient, in terms of ones education it turns out, is not comparable to conducive. If you're curious, I have been studying both Psychology and Dance Performance- my two passions.
I have no regrets. I'm sitting with two years of credit under my belt, and I have learned a thing or two about a thing or two as it were. However, this pool of convenience isn't cutting it for me, and, because I'm double majoring, I still have three to four more years of my degree left. So you best believe I'm not waisting that time being unhappy. It's time for CHANGE!

Here's the plan for my Year of Growth:
At the end of July I'm moving back home. I know, I know- classic sign of "failure," but this is just a buffer period. Home is three hours away from where I currently am. I'll be living with my sister, Haylee, and her two-year-old girl, Adelheid (there will be pictures). In the mean time, I'll be working and taking classes to build a savings and keep my mind fresh. Part of the challenge will be keeping up with my dance technique and general physicality, because the college I'll be transferring to does not have a dance department.  I will also be committed to visiting colleges around the United States in order to find a place that satisfies my definition of home sweet home (at least until I finish my degree). Finally, I will be growing my hair out. About three years ago, I shaved my head and have been shaving it ever since. But, I figured this would be an appropriate addition to my year of growth.

This blog has multiple purposes. One, to keep track of my mini-travels and the discovery process of finding a new home. Two, to keep record of how long my hair gets in a year's time. Three, to keep public record of my 'off-campus' training in ballet and modern dance. And four, to open a conversation with other soul-searchers. I think too many people value convenience over opportunity, and I bet there are many people out there who are also eager to make a change. So, lets do it!
I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me. I welcome your feedback! Please, give me any advise, questions, comments, and concerns.

In the words of Merce Cunningham, the only way to do it is to do it!

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