Saturday, June 8, 2013

Planning The Initial Move

Hi there,

Typically I will be posting on Wednesdays, but I figured there's should be more information in this first week since I'm just starting out. So, here's a looksee at my detailed plan and where I'm at in the process:

In this post I'm going to focus on the move back home. Let's keep in mind that home (at least where my parents live) is just a buffer zone for finding a new home! Here we go...

First step in the initial move is to tell people- the right people! Now for some people in less fortunate situations than I may want to cut all their losses and hightail it out with no word. For me, I would like to leave on a good note and maintain some connections to the people here. This means letting the right people know FIRST (besides my family, my boyfriend, and a selected number of close friends of course).
I advise anyone who is planning on making a similar move to do the same. When the people who need to know know first, a lot of unnecessary confusion is avoided. So LESSON NUMBER ONE: control the word of mouth. In my case this means telling the following people:
my academic advisor (who has also been my jazz teacher and ballet teacher in college) CHECK,
the chair of the dance department CHECK,
my room mate CHECK,
my work NOT YET,
and some people who were expecting me to participate in their dance projects for the fall CHECK.

So far so good. Everyone in the dance department has been incredibly supportive, ensuring me I am welcome to come back to visit and confirming that they will act as professional references when needed.

HOLD UP! Why isn't she worried about the psychology department? You see, it is not so important to me that I tell anyone in the psychology department at my current school, because in the one year that I spent here, I never invested much into that department. However, in the dance department I have not only grown as a dancer but also created connections that will hopefully last well after my search for a home is over. Remember my current institution is the second college I've attended. I'm now working on transferring BACK to the first one.

Step numero uno is coming along nicely. The only people who still need to know are my managers at work. (I'm a waitress at a chain restaurant. TIP YO WAITRESS! ) However, I just got out of training (mind you, I applied for the job with full intention of staying at this location), so I'm going to hold off for about two weeks before letting them know of my plans and getting in the process of transferring to a new location.

Next. Obviously, I must do more than just tell people I'm going off on some grand journey! Otherwise, I'd get caught in a boy-who-cried-wolf kind of situation, and you don't want that. So, here are some things that I had to do in order to ensure the authenticity of my claims.

1. Tell the right people as discussed above CHECK (mostly)
2. Drop all Summer class. CHECK
3. Withdraw from registered Fall classes. CHECK
4. Reapply at university nearest to home. CHECK
5. Register for classes at said university to keep up with credits (and avoid having to pay back student loans immediately).
6. Pack up and get out of town!

Yeah. Things are moving along nicely here at the beginning of this journey.
Stay tuned.

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